staff de aranjuez

I did an earlier free form staff piece to the concierto de aranjuez by Rodrigo, but it was pulled for copyright reasons. I did a Paris by Night video with some Chet Baker music, but that was also pulled. So I'm redoing some staff to an original recording of the concierto. This is one of my favorite pieces of music. Miles Davis recorded it with Gil Evans on the album "Sketches of Spain". Chet recorded a version in the '70's, I believe it was at a Carnegie Hall concert. Both are great, great artists. The Miles Davis piece was the first jazz album I ever bought. It is a brilliant, brooding,yet haunting piece. Chet's version, as you might guess, is a more lyrical take. Unfortunately, he is not featured very much on the recording. It is as excellent piece, but I wish I could hear how Chet would have interpreted the whole thing.
I am using a 3 foot very short staff to save wear and tear on my shoulders. I did an earlier take with a jo length staff, but I thought the shorter staff would allow for more flourishes and I was right. I haven't done a piece like this for a while, so I hope you enjoy it. Free form almost can't be taught without translating it into a form. Currently my take is that both form and formless must be balanced for a transformation into something deeper than both. I've always resisted making this into a form. In the tv series Longstreet. Bruce Lee talks about his art and process to James Franciscus and says"I am not a great believer in forms or methods, and, without forms or a method, what is there to teach?" Bingo!
The piano is again by the irrepressible Sue Lee, who is a brilliant musician.