Switzerland, more Thor, and a special anniversary

Sometimes the universe sends something that you don’t quite know what to do with. Something tempting, yet something a more cautious and grounded side says to be cautious about. Anyway, in late May Anno sensei is making what might be one of his last trips abroad(he’ll also be at the Santa Cruz Summer Retreat in July, see www.aikidosantacruz.org) to Switzerland to teach a seminar. Linda Holiday sensei has suggested that we try and go. Wow!
Sometimes life can get into a comfortable rut. Sort of like being a hobbit in the shire. Then all of a sudden Gandalf drops by and there is a call to different worlds. I’ve never been to Europe, although I stayed overnight in London(unscheduled stop due to engine trouble) in 1989 when I visited Moscow. This would be to spend time with Annosensei, and to possibly stay on a couple of days and attend of all things a Native American Shamanic Conference also in Switzerland.
I can afford the time(about 10 days late May to early June). However, it would be irresponsible to pay for it out of the dojo(even though it would be a legitimate aikido expense) because it would leave it with no cash reserves. So going is a process of putting it out there(yes, I’d like to go.) and at the same time coming up with how to get this done.
So, I’m putting it out there. If any of you have any ideas please feel free to let me know.
One possibility is that years ago I was given a non-profit corporation. You can get more information on this by going to our website(www.aikidosj.com) or by simply scrolling down this blog to the links section and clicking onto Takemusu Shinbuden. So,if you are interested in making a donation of any amount, it is tax deductible. You can even do it on the site with a credit card. The purpose of the non-profit is compatible with the trip as well, so I would just go under it. There might also be a way of donating airline miles to help the trip, but Linda sensei and I are going to have to look into the ins and outs of that. I want everyone to know that I am perfectly settled into my current comfortable rut and not attached to going, but………
Those of you who might be interested in reading the early Stan Lee/Jack Kirby Thor series can get them rather inexpensively through Marvel Essentials. Each Volume has about 30 stories in black and white, and there are at least 3 volumes of Thor. Somehow I find the saga of a god becoming a superhero and living with humans and dealing with humanity and imperfection quite fascinating. I bought all 3 volumes. He fights almost universal foes(ego the living planet and Galactus) and more down to earth opponents.

Tonight is the 41st anniversary of the first appearance on American TV of “The Avengers”. I remember being initially disappointed in Diana Rigg because I was expecting Honor Blackman. That was gone by week 2. It took me that long to figure the show out. Incidentally, Secret Agent Gal will soon go over 4,000 views n youtube. Modest, but not altogether bad.
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