of belated birthdays & energies archetypal @astrological

Time does just zip by. I want to acknowledge the birthdays of 2 women whom I've never met who have had a great influence in my life. The first is Dame Diana Rigg, whose birthday is July 20th. The second is Kate Beckinsale, whose birthday is July 26th. Both are probably etched into my memory for exploits performed on screens big and small while dressed in black leather combat gear. We're talking, of course about Mrs. Peel of the Avengers and Selene in the Underworld movies. Besides both being British, tall, and auburn haired, there are more similarities on other levels.
I had Andrea Malliss, astrologer and columnist for the Oakland A's and MLB(www.virgoinservice.com) do charts for both women and 2 other women who were former partners. The results were amazing. Both Diana Rigg and Kate Beckinsale have their
Venus in Virgo. Since my Mars is in Virgo, this sets up a Venus/Mars conjunction that is very strong and explains the strong attraction they have for me. Diana Rigg has her sun in Cancer, while I have my moon in Cancer. This sun/moon conjunction is also very strong. Kate Beckinsale has her moon in Gemini while I have my sun in Gemini. This also gives us a sun/moon conjunction and a strong attraction. Dame Diana(I am so proud she has risen to such heights) has her Sun in conjunction with the planet Mars, which makes her an honorary Aries. Kate has her Mars in its own sign of Aries, and her Mars is in my 1st house(self). So I'm attracted to strong women. One of my former partners also has her Venus in Virgo and a Sun conjuncted with the planet Mars.

The sun, moon, and planets all represent energies. It is interesting that archetypal energies(Mrs Peel and Selene) manifest in our lives in the people we meet and have been with. I'm currently exploring another Gemini sun/moon conjunction...
Those of you who would like to read Andrea's explanation of my chart can just click into "About Me" to the side of the blog posts and click into "His Unique Astrology".